


arXiv(发音为“ archive ”——X 代表希腊字母 chi ⟨χ⟩)是一个开放获取的电子预印本和后印本(称为e-prints)存储库,经过审核后批准发布,但不接受同行评审。它由数学、物理学、天文学、电气工程、计算机科学、定量生物学、统计学、数学金融和经济学领域的科学论文组成,可以在线访问。在数学和物理的许多领域,几乎所有科学论文在同行评审期刊上发表之前都会在 arXiv 存储库中自行存档。一些出版商还允许作者存档经过同行评审的后印本。arXiv.org 自 1991 年 8 月 14 日开始,于 2008 年 10 月 3 日突破了 50 万篇文章的里程碑,到 2014 年底已达到 100 万篇文章 ,到 2014 年底已达到 200 万篇文章。截至2021年4月,每月提交率约为16,000篇文章。现由美国康奈尔大学图书馆全面负责 arXiv 的运营和发展的行政和财务责任。2022 年 1 月,arXiv 开始与DataCite合作为文章分配DOI


注册网址:arxiv.org/user/register 如果你用的是校外邮箱比如gmail和outlook等商业邮箱,注册时需要引荐(endorsement),就是由一位相同领域熟知的人(比如导师)在邮箱中进行确认邀请,目的是为了资格审查从而一定程度上保证预印本的质量。如果你采用高校或科研机构的邮箱(例如edu之类)注册,将不需要走引荐这一繁琐的流程。所以我们今天使用美国大学的校友edu邮箱进行注册演示:如下图所示:
Register for the first time (step 1 of 2) 首次注册(第 1 步,共 2 步)
You should only register with arXiv once: arXiv associates papers that you have submitted with your user account. We must retain the information you submit for registration indefinitely in order to preserve the scholarly record, support academic integrity, and prevent abuse of our systems. If you register twice, with different accounts, your submission history will be inaccurate.您应该只在 arXiv 注册一次:arXiv 将您提交的论文与您的用户帐户关联起来。 我们必须无限期保留您提交的注册信息,以保存学术记录、支持学术诚信并防止滥用我们的系统。 如果您使用不同的帐户注册两次,您的提交历史记录将不准确。
Email: 电子邮件:
You must be able to receive mail at this address to register. We take strong measures to protect your email address from viruses and spam. Do not register with an e-mail address that belongs to someone else: if we discover that you’ve done so, we will suspend your account.您必须能够通过此地址接收邮件才能注册。 我们采取强有力的措施来保护您的电子邮件地址免受病毒和垃圾邮件的侵害。 请勿使用他人的电子邮件地址进行注册:如果我们发现您这样做,我们将暂停您的帐户。


Register for the first time (step 2 of 2)

Email: xxx@stu.xxx.edu

Username: xxx#4 Fields with * are required.

Please supply your correct name and affiliation.

It is a violation of our policies to misrepresent your identity or institutional affiliation. Claimed affiliation should be current in the conventional sense: e.g., physical presence, funding, email address, mention on institutional web pages, etc. Misrepresentation of identity or affiliation, for any reason, is possible grounds for immediate and permanent suspension.

Full Name: (these fields accept pidgin TeX (\’o) for foreign characters)

*First or Given Name *Last or Family Name



Verify E-mail验证邮件   Enter Verification Code 输入验证码

To verify your E-mail you will need the verification code that we sent you via E-mail. The easiest way to give us the verification code is to click on the link near the top of the message we’ll send you. Unfortunately, the link doesn’t work with every E-mail program, so you may need to enter your verification code by hand. The verification code consists of twelve letters and/or digits with a dash in the middle: it looks something like “8GQUZR-P8NFDZ”.

要验证您的电子邮件,您将需要我们通过电子邮件发送给您的验证码。向我们提供验证码的最简单方法是单击我们将向您发送的消息顶部附近的链接。 遗憾的是,该链接并不适用于所有电子邮件程序,因此您可能需要手动输入验证码。验证码由十二个字母和/或数字组成,中间有破折号。


Your account is now verified. Welcome to arXiv.org您的帐户现已验证。 欢迎来到 arXiv.org



Start Submission 开始提交You may pause in the submission process at any stage and return to your submission from your user page at https://arxiv.org/user您可以在任何阶段暂停提交过程,然后从您的用户页面返回提交内容:https://arxiv.org/user

We must have current contact information, especially your email address. Verify your name and institutional affiliation; make sure that we’ve segmented your first and last names correctly and that any accented characters are properly represented. Return to the registration form to update your information. If your e-mail address xxx@stu.xxx.edu is no longer valid, then you must change your E-mail address BEFORE proceeding.

我们必须拥有当前的联系信息,尤其是您的电子邮件地址。 验证您的姓名和所属机构; 确保我们已正确分割您的名字和姓氏,并且所有重音字符均得到正确表示。 返回注册表以更新您的信息。 如果您的电子邮件地址 xxx@stu.xxx.edu 不再有效,那么您必须在继续操作之前更改您的电子邮件地址。

Verify Your Contact Information 验证您的联系信息

I certify that the above information is correct. 我保证以上信息正确无误。

Submission Agreement  提交协议

By submitting to arXiv I have read and accept the Submission Agreement通过提交到 arXiv,我已阅读并接受提交协议

If you are under 18 years of age: Please ask an older co-author to submit the work. If that is not possible you must complete the arXiv parent/guardian consent form before proceeding.如果您未满 18 岁:请请年长的合著者提交作品。 如果不可能,您必须先填写 arXiv 家长/监护人同意书,然后才能继续。

Authorship 作者身份
I am submitting as an author of this article  我以本文作者身份提交
I am not an author but have obtained pre-authorization from arXiv to submit as a third-party submitter我不是作者,但已获得 arXiv 的预授权,可以作为第三方提交者提交

License Statement 许可声明

All articles and source files posted on arXiv.org can be viewed and downloaded by anyone.任何人都可以查看和下载 arXiv.org 上发布的所有文章和源文件。

Archive and Subject Class 档案和学科类别
Please read the category descriptions carefully to ensure you select the best-fitting category for your submission. Failure to do so may significantly delay the listing of your submission, and creates additional work for our volunteer moderators.

请仔细阅读类别描述,以确保您选择最适合您提交的类别。 如果不这样做,可能会严重延迟您提交的内容的列出,并给我们的志愿者版主带来额外的工作。

xxxx#4 已注册为物理学组的作者
If your desired submission archive does not appear below, or you wish to change any defaults, return to your registration form and make any necessary changes.如果您想要的提交存档没有出现在下面,或者您希望更改任何默认值,请返回您的注册表并进行任何必要的更改。

Choose a primary classification for this submission:为此提交选择主要分类:

Submission files 提交文件

Your submission to the archive must be in one of the following formats (listed in order of preference):您向存档提交的内容必须采用以下格式之一(按优先顺序列出):
PDF (not generated from TeX)
HTML for conference proceeding indexes

To upload a .zip or .tar.gz click browse and select the compressed file. arXiv will uncompress it.要上传 .zip 或 .tar.gz,请单击“浏览”并选择压缩文件。 arXiv 将解压缩它。

You can upload all your files at once as a single .tar.gz or .zip file, or upload individual files as needed.您可以将所有文件作为单个 .tar.gz 或 .zip 文件一次性上传,也可以根据需要上传单个文件。

TeX source uploaded to arXiv will be made publicly available.上传到 arXiv 的 TeX 源代码将公开。


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