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Academic OneFile from Gale Gale 的 Academic OneFile
Academic Video Online: Premium 学术视频在线:高级版
Academic Video Online: Art & Design 学术视频在线:艺术与设计
Academic Video Online: Diversity 学术视频在线:多样性
Academic Video Online: Health Sciences 学术视频在线:健康科学
Academic Video Online: History 学术视频在线:历史
Academic Video Online: Literature & Language 学术视频在线:文学与语言
Academic Video Online: Music & Performing Arts 学术视频在线:音乐与表演艺术
Academic Video Online: Psychology & Counseling 学术视频在线:心理学与咨询
Academic Video Online: Science & Engineering 学术视频在线:科学与工程
Academic Video Online: Social Sciences 学术视频在线:社会科学
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Evidence Analysis Library 营养与饮食学会证据分析图书馆
Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database 先进技术与航空航天数据库
African American Heritage 非洲裔美国人遗产
Agricultural & Environmental Science Database 农业与环境科学数据库
Agriculture : Gale OneFile 农业:Gale OneFile
Alexander Street Video Collections 亚历山大街视频收藏
American History in Video 美国历史视频
Archives of Latin America And Caribbean History, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century 拉丁美洲和加勒比历史档案,十六世纪至二十世纪
AtoZ World Food AtoZ 世界食品
Austin American-Statesman (1871-1980) – ProQuest Historical Newspapers 奥斯汀美国政治家 (1871-1980) – ProQuest 历史报纸


Behavior and Mental Health Online 行为与心理健康在线
Biography And Genealogy Master Index 传记和家谱主索引
Biography: Gale In Context 传记:Gale In Context
Biological Science Database 生物科学数据库
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States 美国黑人自由斗争
Bloom’s Literature (formerly Bloom’s Literary Reference Online) Bloom’s Literature(以前称为 Bloom’s Literary Reference Online)
Book Review Index : Gale Literature 书评索引:Gale Literature
Books and Authors from Gale Gale 的书籍和作者
Boundless (formerly Axis 360) Boundless(以前称为 Axis 360)
Business : Gale OneFile 商业:Gale OneFile
Business Insights: Gale Business 商业洞察:Gale Business


Chicago Manual of Style 芝加哥格式手册
Chilton Library from Gale Gale 的 Chilton 图书馆
Choice Reviews Choice Reviews
Chronicle of Higher Education 高等教育纪事
CINAHL Complete CINAHL Complete
College Source ONLINE College Source ONLINE
College: Gale In Context 大学:Gale In Context
ComicsPlus ComicsPlus
Communication and Mass Media Complete from EBSCO EBSCO 的通信和大众媒体完整版
Communications and Mass Media : Gale OneFile 通信和大众媒体:Gale OneFile
Complete Directory for People with Disabilities 残疾人完整目录
Computer Science : Gale OneFile 计算机科学:Gale OneFile
Contemporary Women’s Issues : Gale OneFile 当代女性问题:Gale OneFile
CQ Electronic Encyclopedia of American Government CQ Electronic美国政府百科全书
CQ Researcher CQ 研究员
CQ Washington Information Directory CQ 华盛顿信息目录
Credo Reference Credo 参考
Criminal Justice Collection : Gale OneFile 刑事司法收藏:Gale OneFile
Culinary Arts : Gale OneFile 烹饪艺术:Gale OneFile
CultureGrams Online CultureGrams 在线


Dallas Morning News via EBSCOHost 达拉斯晨报通过 EBSCOHost
Dental Abstracts (Publication) 牙科文摘(出版物)
Digital Theatre Plus (requires Chrome 107 or higher) Digital Theatre Plus(需要 Chrome 107 或更高版本)
Directory of Open Access Journals 开放获取期刊目录
Diversity Studies : Gale OneFile 多样性研究:Gale OneFile
Driving-Tests.org Driving-Tests.org
Driving-Tests.org VIN Decoder Driving-Tests.org VIN 解码器


Early Childhood Education Journal (Publication) 早期儿童教育杂志(出版物)
Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database 地球、大气和水生科学数据库
Ebook Central from ProQuest ProQuest 的电子书中心
eBook Collection from EBSCOhost EBSCOhost 的电子书收藏
eBook Community College Collection 社区学院电子书收藏
Economics and Theory Collection : Gale OneFile 经济学和理论收藏:Gale OneFile
Educator’s Reference Complete : Gale OneFile 教育者参考全集:Gale OneFile
El Paso Herald/El Paso Times – ProQuest Historical Newspapers 埃尔帕索Herald/El Paso Times – ProQuest 历史报纸
Elementary: Gale In Context 基础:Gale In Context
Emergency Medicine: The Practical Journal for Emergency Physicians (Publication) 急诊医学:急诊医师实用杂志(出版物)
Entrepreneurship: Gale Business 创业:Gale Business
Entrepreneurship: Gale OneFile 创业:Gale OneFile
Environmental Science & Technology 环境科学与技术
Environmental Studies and Policy : Gale OneFile 环境研究与政策:Gale OneFile
Environmental Studies: Gale In Context 环境研究:Gale In Context


Feature Films for Education 教育专题片
FilmsOnDemand FilmsOnDemand
Fine Arts : Gale OneFile 美术:Gale OneFile
Flipster Flipster
Fold3 Library Edition Fold3 图书馆版
Fort Worth Star-Telegram (1902-Current) via NewsBank 沃斯堡星电报(1902 年至今)通过 NewsBank


Gale Gale
Gale eBooks Gale 电子书
Gale Literary Index Gale 文学索引
Gardening and Horticulture : Gale OneFile 园艺和园艺:Gale OneFile
Gender Studies : Gale OneFile 性别研究:Gale OneFile
General Interest : Gale OneFile 一般兴趣:Gale OneFile
GeoRef from ProQuest ProQuest 的 GeoRef
Global Issues: Gale In Context 全球问题: Gale In Context
Global Road Warrior 全球公路勇士


Handbook of Texas 德克萨斯手册
Health and Medicine : Gale OneFile 健康与医学:Gale OneFile
Health and Wellness from Gale Gale 的健康与保健
Health Research Premium Collection 健康研究高级系列
HeinOnline HeinOnline
Heritage Quest Online Heritage Quest Online
High School Edition: Gale OneFile 高中版:Gale OneFile
High School: Gale In Context 高中:Gale In Context
Home Improvement: Gale OneFile 家居装修:Gale OneFile
Hospitality and Tourism : Gale OneFile 酒店与旅游:Gale OneFile


Information Science : Gale OneFile 信息科学:Gale OneFile
Informe Académico : Gale OneFile 学术信息:Gale OneFile
IngentaConnect IngentaConnect
Insurance and Liability: Gale OneFile 保险与责任:Gale OneFile
Interactive Science from Gale Gale 的互动科学


Job & Career Accelerator 工作与职业加速器
Journal of Dentistry for Children (Publication) 儿童牙科杂志(出版物)
Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice (Publication) 循证牙科实践杂志(出版物)
Journal of Public Health Dentistry (Publication) 公共卫生牙科杂志(出版物)
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly Journal of the American Dietetic Association) (Publication) 营养与饮食学会杂志(前身为美国饮食学会杂志)(出版物)
Journal of the American Dietetic Association (up to Volume 111) 期刊美国营养学会 (截至第 111 卷)
Jove Biology, Advanced Jove 生物学,高级
Jove Biology, Basic Jove 生物学,基础
Jove Chemistry, Analytical Jove 化学,分析
Jove Chemistry, General Jove 化学,普通
Jove Chemistry, Organic Jove 化学,有机
Jove Clinical Skills Jove 临床技能
Jove Engineering Jove 工程
Jove Environmental Sciences Jove 环境科学
Jove Nursing Jove 护理
Jove Physics Jove 物理学
Jove Psychology Jove 心理学


Kanopy (includes BASE) Kanopy (包括 BASE)


Leadership and Management: Gale OneFile 领导和管理:Gale OneFile
LearningExpress Library 3.0 LearningExpress Library 3.0
Legal Forms from Gale Gale 的法律形式
LegalTrac : Gale OneFile LegalTrac:Gale OneFile
Life Magazine Archive 生活杂志档案
LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) LinkedIn Learning (以前称为 Lynda.com)
Literary Sources from Gale Gale 的文学资源
Literature Criticism Online 文学批评在线
Literature Resource Center – Scribner Writers Series Online, Twayne Authors Online 文学资源中心 – Scribner 作家系列在线、Twayne 作者在线
LitFinder : Gale Literature LitFinder:Gale 文学
Los Angeles Times 洛杉矶时报


Materials Science & Engineering Database 材料科学与工程数据库
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (Publication from JSTOR) 数学教学在中学(JSTOR 出版物)
Medici TV Medici TV
Merriam-Webster Dictionary Merriam-Webster 词典
Middle School: Gale In Context 中学:Gale 语境
Military And Intelligence : Gale OneFile 军事与情报
Military Database 军事数据库
Miss Humblebee’s Academy Miss Humblebee 学院
MLA Handbook MLA 手册
Mometrix Test Preparation Mometrix 考试准备
Music Online: Listening Plus 在线音乐:Listening Plus
Music Online: American Music 在线音乐:美国音乐
Music Online: Classical Music Library 在线音乐:古典音乐图书馆
Music Online: Contemporary World Music 在线音乐:当代世界音乐
Music Online: Jazz Music Library 在线音乐:爵士音乐图书馆
Music Online: Popular Music Library 在线音乐:流行音乐图书馆
Music Online: Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries 在线音乐:史密森尼全球图书馆声音


National Geographic Kids from Gale Gale 的国家地理儿童
National Geographic Virtual Library 1995-Current 国家地理虚拟图书馆 1995-Current
National Screening Room from Library of Congress 国会图书馆的国家放映室
Natural Science Collection 自然科学收藏
New York Times – ProQuest Historical Newspapers 纽约时报 – ProQuest 历史报纸
New York Times (current) 纽约时报(当前)
News : Gale OneFile 新闻:Gale OneFile
NewsBank – Access World News (Historic and Current) NewsBank – 访问世界新闻(历史和当前)
NewsBank – America’s Historical Newspapers (1690-2000) NewsBank – 美国历史报纸(1690-2000)
Newspaper Source Plus Newspaper Source Plus
Newsweek Archive (1933-2012) Newsweek 档案(1933-2012)
Nexis Uni™ Nexis Uni™
Nursing and Allied Health : Gale OneFile 护理与相关健康:Gale OneFile
Nursing Reference Center Plus 护理参考中心 Plus
Nutrition Care Manual (Publication) 营养护理手册(出版物)


O*Net O*Net
Omeka TCC Digital Collections Omeka TCC 数字收藏
Opposing Viewpoints: Gale In Context 对立观点:Gale 语境
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology (Publication) 口腔外科、口腔医学、口腔病理学和口腔放射学(出版物)
Oxford Academic Journals 牛津学术期刊
Oxford Art Online 牛津艺术在线
Oxford Companion to Western Art 牛津西方艺术指南
Oxford Concise Dictionary of Art Terms 牛津简明艺术术语词典
Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics (2nd Edition) 牛津美学百科全书(第二版)
Oxford English Dictionary 牛津英语词典
Oxford Reference Library 牛津参考图书馆


PBS Video Collection PBS 视频收藏
Philosophy Compass (Publication) 哲学指南针(出版物)
Philosophy Now 哲学现在
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine : Gale OneFile 物理治疗和运动医学:Gale OneFile
Pop Culture Studies : Gale OneFile 流行文化研究:Gale OneFile
Popular Magazines: Gale OneFile 流行杂志:Gale OneFile
Prehospital Emergency Care 院前急救护理
ProCitizen Citizenship Preparation ProCitizen 公民身份准备
ProCitizen Citizenship Preparation (Spanish Interface) ProCitizen 公民身份准备(西班牙语界面)
ProLibrary (Library English for Spanish-speakers) ProLibrary(西班牙语使用者的图书馆英语)
ProLibrary (Library Spanish for English-speakers) ProLibrary(英语使用者的图书馆西班牙语)
Pronunciator Language Learning 发音器语言学习
Pronunciator Language Learning (Spanish Interface) 发音器语言学习(西班牙语界面)
ProQuest ProQuest
ProQuest One Community College ProQuest One 社区学院
ProQuest One Psychology ProQuest One 心理学
Psychology : Gale OneFile 心理学:Gale OneFile
PubMed PubMed


Religion and Philosophy : Gale OneFile 宗教与哲学:Gale OneFile
Research Guides from TCC TCC 的研究指南
Research Library – ProQuest 研究图书馆 – ProQuest


Salem Press: Careers, History, Literature and Science Salem Press:职业、历史、文学和科学
Science: Gale In Context 科学:Gale In Context
Science: Gale OneFile 科学:Gale OneFile
ScienceDirect eBooks ScienceDirect 电子书
SciTech Premium Collection SciTech Premium Collection
Scribner Writer Series Scribner Writer 系列
SIRS Issues Researcher SIRS Issues Researcher
Statista Statista
Swank Digital Campus Swank Digital Campus


Digital Archive 数字档案
 Digital Collections in Primo Primo 中的数字馆藏
 Search for Journal Titles  搜索期刊标题
Teaching Children Mathematics (Publication from JSTOR) 教孩子数学(JSTOR 出版物)
TeachingBooks.net TeachingBooks.net
Technology Collection from ProQuest ProQuest 的技术馆藏
Texas Digital Sanborn Maps 德克萨斯州数字 Sanborn 地图
Texas Homeless Youth Handbook 德克萨斯州无家可归青年手册
Time Magazine Archive 时代杂志档案
Twayne’s Author Series Twayne 的作者系列
Twentieth Century American Poetry 二十世纪美国诗歌
Twentieth Century English Poetry 二十世纪英国诗歌


U.S. History : Gale OneFile 美国历史:Gale OneFile
U.S. History: Gale in Context 美国历史:Gale 的背景


Value Line 价值线
Vocations and Careers : Gale OneFile 职业和事业:Gale OneFile


Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报
War and Terrorism : Gale OneFile 战争与恐怖主义:Gale OneFile
Washington Post, The 华盛顿邮报,The
Westlaw Westlaw
World History : Gale OneFile 世界历史:Gale OneFile
World History: Gale In Context 世界历史:Gale 的背景
WorldCat from OCLC OCLC 的 WorldCat
World History: Gale In Context 世界历史:Gale 的背景
WorldCat from OCLC OCLC 的 WorldCat


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