


什么是 Live2d? 如何制作 Live2D 模型 一种名为 Live2D 的表达技术,可为插图注入生命力并实现 2D 三维表达。Live2D自2008年面世以来,已在众多应用中得到应用,兼容iOS、Android等移动操作系统、家用游戏机、游戏开发环境Unity等应用。 此外,它还被用于广泛的应用,例如被整合到事件和实时流媒体视频的通信工具中。说的好理解点,Live2D是一种应用于电子游戏的绘图渲染技术,通过一系列的连续图像和人物建模来生成一种类似二维图像的三维模型。对于以动画风格为主的冒险游戏来说非常有用。该技术由日本Guyzware公司开发,Live2D的前身为TORA系统,衍生技术是OIU系统。www.live2d.jp为Live2d官网,www.live2d.com



经常与3D进行比较,但与基于原图制作模型的3D不同,Live2D可以直接将原图作为素材处理,因此可以直接利用3D模型制作图片的魅力。可以表达。 Live2D的表现技术将绘制的画面活泼起来,产生协同效应,进一步加深对作品的感情。


许多使用Live2D的作品都使用轻小说和2D动画等原创作品,以及著名插画家的原画。这要归功于Live2D的独特魅力,它可以让你在保留原作、原图的形象和质感的同时,立体地、交互地表达。 通过原样使用原图,视觉效果将满足想要珍惜作品形象的创作者和粉丝。


今天,在各种媒体上从原来的基础上进行各种发展的情况并不少见。但是,视觉对于每种媒体来说都是不同的图像。 使用Live2D,您可以在一个模型中开发视频、应用程序和游戏等多种媒体,从而实现统一的视觉形象。

版本比较:它介绍了 Live2D Cubism 专业版和免费版之间的功能差异。 在PRO版本中,几乎可以无限制地使用所有的建模和动画功能。https://www.live2d.com/comparison/


“Live2D公司向全中国的学生和教师提供Live2D学生优惠计划。 通过这个计划,你可以以76%的折扣购买3年合约”。


没有学校电子邮件的学生现在可以使用学生折扣计划! 现在您可以使用 ISIC(国际学生证)申请。

正常价格 ¥36,720 263.10USD(按今日汇率计算。) 学生优惠价 ¥8,812 63.14 美元(按今日汇率计算。)


即使没有教育机构专用电子邮箱,也可以申请学生优惠了。 Live2D现在支持使用“学信网验证码”来申请学生优惠。

正常价格 ¥36,720 1,882.89CNY(实时汇率)  学生优惠价格 ¥8,812 451.85CNY(实时汇率)

※ 不接受符合条件的域之外的电子邮件地址。

※ Live2D Inc. 保留更新符合条件的域列表的权利。

※ 仅适用于 Live2D Cubism PRO for indie-3-Year Plan。

※ 毕业后您可以继续使用该软件,直至订阅期结束。


为了使用 Live2D 学生折扣计划,以下条件适用。必须满足Live2D Student Discount Program的条件。

即使您的电子邮件地址不包含符合条件的教育域,您的教育机构也可能已包含在该计划中。请尝试输入您的电子邮件地址,看看它是否符合条件。此程序的优惠券仅在Live2D Store/EN有效。

Live2D 学生折扣计划条款和条件

Live2D Student Discount Program Terms and Conditions

In order to qualify for the Live2D Student Discount Program, you must agree to the following terms and conditions

1. Eligibility

This program is open to the following students, education faculty and staff who can prove their eligibility by the specified methods:

  • Students in elementary, middle, high school, university or vocational schools, and students who have been accepted to these schools.
  • Students in a University / College Preparatory School
  • Faculty and staff at elementary, middle, high school, university and Students enrolled in

※Students enrolled in Short-term correspondence courses and online courses are not eligible.

※Job training and recruitment companies are not eligible for this program.

※Alumni and Alumnae are not eligible to apply for this program.

2. Proof of eligibility

In order to prove your eligibility, you must have a legitimate email address that includes the below educational institutions’ domains, and you must be able to apply for the program and receive email with that email address.

Top-level domain for educational institutions

.edu (List)

Second-level domains for educational institutions

.edu.xx (List)

.ac.xx (List)

Other Educational domains verified by Live2D Inc.

See Request for Inclusion of School Email Domain


  • If your email address provided by your educational institution does not contain .edu or .ac, you can submit Request for Inclusion of School Email Domain – Live2D Student Discount Program to be potentially added to the eligible domain list.
  • Live2D Inc. reserves the right to change the list of eligible educational institution domains at any time without notice.
  • In case you do not have a school email address with an educational institution domain, you may apply with your ISIC student ID as a proof of eligibility. We only accept ISIC student ID for such proof, and not any other Student ID or card.

3. Reconfirming Proof of Eligibility

Even after the purchase of a product, Live2D Inc. reserves the right to reconfirm your eligibility for this program. If you do not cooperate with us, or if you are found to be ineligible, Live2D Inc. may cancel your order or terminate related contracts at its discretion, regardless of whether the contracts have been executed. In addition, at Live2D Inc.’s discretion, you will be required to pay the difference in price based on the price displayed on the Live2D Store and any other damages or legal action that may be taken against you.

4. Applicable Products

The program is available for the following product(s):

Live2D Cubism PRO for indie – 3-Year Plan

5. How to apply discount

To receive the discount, you must enter the coupon code you received when making a purchase at Live2D Store. Please note that if you do not enter the coupon code, the discount will not be applied.

6. Refusal

Live2D Inc. may refuse application if any of the following applies. Please note that Live2D Inc. will not respond to any inquiries regarding the reasons of refusal.

  • The applicant does not exist.
  • The applicant is already on the program.
  • The applicant has been refused in the past due to a violation of these terms and conditions.
  • There is a falsehood or error in the application.
  • Live2D determines, in its sole discretion, that the applicant is not eligible.
  • Live2D determines, in its sole discretion, that the content of the application is inappropriate.

6. Other conditions

  • The coupon provided through this program cannot be used with any other coupon or promotion.
  • Purchases on the Live2D Store are subject to Subscription Agreement.
  • Live2D reserves the right to modify or terminate this program and these terms and conditions at any time without notice.

Version 1.1

Revised: September 28th, 2022

为了获得 Live2D 学生折扣计划的资格,您必须同意以下条款和条件










.edu(列表)  教育机构二级域名    .edu.xx(列表)   .ac.xx(列表)    Live2D Inc. 验证的其他教育领域。



如果您的教育机构提供的您的电子邮件地址不包含 .edu 或 .ac,您可以提交请求包含学校电子邮件域 – Live2D 学生折扣计划,以便有可能添加到符合条件的域列表中。

Live2D Inc. 保留随时更改符合条件的教育机构域列表的权利,恕不另行通知。

如果您没有包含教育机构域的学校电子邮件地址,您可以使用您的 ISIC 学生 ID 作为资格证明进行申请。 我们只接受 ISIC 学生证作为此类证明,不接受任何其他学生证或卡。

即使在购买产品后,Live2D Inc. 仍保留再次确认您是否有资格参加此计划的权利。 如果您不与我们合作,或者您被发现不符合条件,Live2D Inc.可以自行决定取消您的订单或终止相关合同,无论合同是否已经执行。 此外,根据 Live2D Inc. 的判断,您将需要根据 Live2D Store 上显示的价格支付差价以及可能对您采取的任何其他损害赔偿或法律诉讼。

该程序适用于以下产品:独立的 Live2D Cubism PRO – 3 年计划

要获得折扣,您必须输入在 Live2D 商店购买时收到的优惠券代码。 请注意,如果您不输入优惠券代码,则不会应用折扣。

如果符合以下任何一项,Live2D Inc. 可能会拒绝申请。 请注意,Live2D Inc. 不会回答任何有关拒绝原因的询问。


Live2D 自行决定申请人不符合资格。Live2D 自行决定应用程序的内容不合适。

通过此计划提供的优惠券不能与任何其他优惠券或促销活动一起使用。在 Live2D Store 上的购买受订阅协议约束。

Live2D 保留随时修改或终止本程序和这些条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知。版本 1.1

修订日期:2022 年 9 月 28 日



我们在其它国家区Live2D教育优惠官网链接:https://www.live2d.jp/en/eng/student-discount/ 点击后输入自己的edu邮箱即可,本站使用edu教育邮箱优选平台edumail.vip发售提供的波兰大学进行演示。


Country or Region选择教育机构的所在国家。* School name 填写学校名字BSSU ABA – Szkoły Policealne Przez Internet

School type 选择机构属性,我们选择大学;Enrollment Status  选择学生或者教师都可以。* Faculty/Department/Major部门随便填。

填写完毕后,我们点击I agree to the terms and conditions of the Live2D Student Discount Program,勾选我同意。

然后我们会跳转倒Confirm your application and Submit页面,看下自己预提交的信息是否正确。


We have sent the student discount coupon code by email. 我们已经通过电子邮件发送了学生优惠券代码。

Please do not lose your coupon or share it with others. This coupon is only valid for the 3-Year Plan. Monthly Plan and Annual Plan are not available. If you make a false application, We reserve the right to suspend this service. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

请不要丢失您的优惠券或与他人分享。 此优惠券仅适用于 3 年计划。 月度计划和年度计划不可用。 如果您进行虚假申请, 我们保留暂停此服务的权利。 提前感谢您的理解。


我们的波兰大学edu邮箱收到了来自support@live2d.com发来的电子邮件:Important Student Discount Coupon Issued!

Thank you for using Live2D. This is Live2D Store/EN Support. Thank you for applying for the Student Discount Program. We’ve issued a coupon code for you. Please be sure to enter the “Coupon Code” when you make a purchase. Click here to learn how to use the coupon. https://help.live2d.com/en/other/other_18/  Coupon code:xxxx

感谢您使用 Live2D。 这是 Live2D Store/EN 支持。 感谢您申请学生折扣计划。 我们已经为您发放了优惠券代码。 购买时请务必输入“优惠券代码”。 单击此处了解如何使用优惠券。 https://help.live2d.com/en/other/other_18/

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